Many different people use self-storage services like The Self Storage Company. Here are some of the most common uses for a self-storage unit.


Moving: Those who are in the process of moving may need temporary storage for their belongings between selling their old home and moving into a new one.

Downsizing: Individuals or families moving to a smaller home might use storage for items that don’t fit in their new residence.

Renovating: During home renovations, furniture and other household items might be stored to prevent damage or to clear space.


Between Tenancies: Renters who are between tenancies might need a temporary place to store their belongings.

Limited Space: Those living in small flats or shared housing might use storage to keep items they don’t have room for but don’t want to part with.


University students might use storage units during summer breaks or when studying abroad to keep their belongings safe until they return.

Business Owners:

Inventory: Retailers or online businesses might use storage units to store excess stock, especially if they operate from home or have limited shop space.

Equipment: Businesses that use large equipment, like landscapers or contractors, might store tools and equipment in storage units.

Archiving: Companies might use storage units to archive old documents, especially if they have legal obligations to retain records for a certain period.

Military Personnel:

Those in the military often move or are deployed, and during these times, they might use storage for their personal belongings.


Long-term travellers or those taking a gap year might store their belongings in a storage unit whilst they are away.


Individuals with large collections or hobby equipment (e.g., sports equipment, crafting supplies) might use storage units to keep items organised and out of their primary living space.

Estate Executors:

When someone passes away, executors might use storage units to hold the deceased’s belongings until they can be distributed or sold.


Following a divorce, one or both parties might need temporary storage as they establish new living arrangements.

Charities and Local Community Groups:

These groups often receive donations or have equipment for events and may not have permanent space to store these items. Self-storage provides a flexible solution for them to keep their items safe and accessible.